This Country!

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
This Country!

Every nation goes through seasons of change. This election year in the United States brings a responsibility to remember who we are. And I, for one, still believe in this country of opportunity. Additionally, I’m thankful for freedom. As complicated and challenging as democracy can become, it’s still quite a worthy experiment. Matter of fact, Winston Churchill once said: “Democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.” If that is true, then what responsibilities must we faithfully carry forward to preserve this country’s foundation? What is required of us to be worthy citizens, as well as followers of Jesus?

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Your Incredible Design

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Your Incredible Design

Look around! Everything has some kind of design and order. Calendars, language, nature, science, and medicine. Then consider fabrics, computers, business, and farming. Design includes appearance, function, and natural / man-made capacity. The world – in fact, the entire universe – overflows with amazing design. Incidentally, you are no exception. Life is more meaningful, pleasant, and manageable when you embrace your incredible design. Let’s explore how to do that.

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Your Valuable Life

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Your Valuable Life

Have you had the joy of watching little kids when they get in front of a mirror? They have heart-warming and sometimes hilarious interactions. These little ones have such authenticity and vulnerability as they interact with “themselves” in the mirror. What about you? When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Do you value the reflection of that person? Are you authentically being “you” each day? It’s time to treasure your valuable life like God does.

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Accomplish Your Purpose – Helpful Steps

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Accomplish Your Purpose - Helpful Steps

So, did you accomplish your purpose today? Yesterday? Are you on-target with your life purpose?

  • Think back to when you start your day:
  • Before getting out of bed, multi-thoughts fire as you contemplate another new day.
  • Getting dressed, life responsibilities already form in your brain.
  • Downing breakfast, you focus on making progress today.
  • You might jot “to do’s” in your planner so you don’t forget.
  • At your work place, ideas about life balance might appear . . . and quickly disappear as you dive into responsibilities.


With duties bombarding your waking hours – do you accomplish your purpose for being alive? Do you know why God created you?

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Who’s Got Your Right Hand – Advent #2

Alive and Active Life
Alive and Active Life
Who's Got Your Right Hand - Advent #2

We’re in a series to help prepare your heart for Christmas. Each week we light another candle in our hearts as a statement of preparation for Christmas. (Notice each additional week’s article in this series has another candle lit in the main featured image.)

This is the second article in the series. With Christmas closing in, it’s time to consider your right hand.

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How to Fix Perspective

Perspectives change. You reach a level that feels comfortable and becomes your norm. The next thing you know, everything shifts right in front of you. Your relationships change direction. Your health is imminently threatened. Finances become unstable. You relocate and everything is new/different. Someone else makes a decision which drastically changes your life. And so on.

These things affect your thinking. Your thinking affects your perspective.

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